PST™ sensors have a very unique capability not found in any other sensors available on the market today. They can identify liquids and potentially gases (future) inside a closed container, pipe, or vessel without coming in contact (non-intrusively) with the liquid or gas. The value of this capability is high due to the reduction in installation time and costs vs other technologies which must be in contact (intrusive) with the process liquid or gas. Products which require intrusive installation also cost downtime for installation and this is not always very easy to schedule downtime for large equipment, vessels, tanks, or pipelines when they are used for daily operations which are revenue generating. Secondly, this requires all components of an intrusive sensor to be chemically compatible with the process liquid or gas. It further creates potential leak points which in turn create environmental concerns.


Model MK1000: Minimizes the Transmix loss by Identifying the exact interface point when 100% of the leading fuel becomes 99.9% of the leading fuel and 0.1% of the lagging fuel.

Provides necessary information to your control system to be able to integrate the liquid identity to the shipment as a confirming manifest for your customer.

Identifies liquid specification of the flowing product inside the pipe and volume over time can be calculated for total flow and flowrate.

Provides companies using common (shared) pipes with the needed information that helps them make the right decisions regarding when one product has completed flowing at 100% and the second product following in that same process line starts as a mixture.


The primary measurement sensor providing liquid identification as well as density and flow volume of product transferred from one owner to another.
Provides record of all incoming and outgoing flow (bi-directional), density, temperature and product identification so your operations can run mass balance reports for all assets equipped with this sensor.

Provides record of all incoming and outgoing flow (bi-directional), density, temperature and product identification so your operations can run mass balance reports for all assets equipped with this sensor.

Model FD1000: Provides record of all incoming and outgoing flow (bi-directional), density, temperature and product identification so your operations can run mass balance reports for all assets equipped with this sensor.

Model PL1000: Provides record of all incoming and outgoing flow (bi-directional), density, temperature and product identification so your operations can run mass balance reports for all assets equipped with this sensor.